Enter the world of programming, robotics, and AI with the RoboMaster S1 Educational Robot from DJI. It's a fun and interactive hands-on robot tank that you construct and program yourself. Play games, perform tasks, and learn valuable skills along the way.
DJI's "Road to Mastery" project-based series of courses and RoboAcademy video tutorials are engineered to make beginners into experts while expanding a genuine understanding of robotic principles & technical knowledge. When constructed, you can breathe life into the S1 with your own custom programming.
You can program in block-based Scratch 3.0 programming language or Python. When adding functions and skills to the S1 robot, you can utilize six different audio/visual recognition functions.
Programming is done via a compatible tablet or smartphone which can also be used to control the S1. Use the 1080/720 gimbal camera to enjoy an immersive first-person experience and have fun playing solo or multiplayer games against other S1 robots.
The RoboMaster S1 is assembled from 46 customizable components. This gives you the opportunity to make the S1 your own by expanding and customizing its capabilities. Six PWM ports are included for the addition of optional accessories for even further customization.
The RoboMaster App is at the heart of experiencing what the S1 has to offer. It gives you control of the robot and the ability to program new abilities into it. The app supports iOS, Android, and Windows devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The multi-platform nature of the app lets different platforms to play together, as well as share custom programs.
What the RoboMaster can do is entirely up to you and how you combine the six different recognition functions. They include a combination of visual and audio recognition abilities
Designed to foster a programming mindset, this series of project-based courses and tasks are meant to take you from beginner to expert
The video tutorials included in the RoboAcademy are meant to deliver immersive instructions on how to control your RoboMaster S1. They are also designed to be a fun and engaging way to gain a better understanding of physics, mathematics, and basic programming
Different abilities can be programmed into the S1 to customize it to your liking. For beginners, Scratch 3.0 is a programming language that's an excellent entry into learning logical coding concepts with a visual, block-based UI. For more advanced programmers, the RoboMaster S1 also supports the widely used Python language as well.
Using the low-latency 1080p/720p gimbal camera, you can enjoy a first-person view of the action when driving and playing games. The camera is attached to a 2-axis gimbal that features a 540° yaw and 65° pitch, for an expansive field of view. To help keep your streaming video smooth and stable, the gimbal operates on a brushless motor that works with an IMU and custom algorithms to keep vibration control accuracy to within ±0.02°.
The built-in blaster uses LED lights to track targets and opponents in a variety of gaming modes, firing either infrared beams or physical non-toxic gel beads. The bead hopper can hold approximately 430 beads at once. The inclusion of sound effects and recoil when firing help to immerse you in the experience. For added safety, the S1 features limitations on firing rate and angle.
The blaster can be used in a variety of game modes and the reactions of your S1 during gameplay can be augmented with custom coding, such as "Hit and Run", where you can make the S1 turn and counterattack automatically once hit. Here's a list of the game modes you can enjoy with the S1
Six intelligent armor panels surround the tank and are designed to detect hits when going into battle with your RoboMaster S1. It can detect infrared or physical strikes from incoming gel bead ammunition. Hits are registered and communicated in real time during gameplay. Multiple LED lights on the sides of the blaster turn off one-by-one after hits, giving you a visual indication of score/damage.
The custom M3508I motor features an integrated FOC ESC and outputs torque of up to 250 mN-n. Linear Hall-effect sensors help to give you precise control over a front suspension with four-wheel drive. Each of the four Mecanum wheels has 12 rollers, allowing the RoboMaster S1 to achieve omnidirectional movement.