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Sergio P. Verified Customer
Acephoto.net is an amazing camera enthusiast website. I hadn't ever heard of it until I was looking for a discontinued hard to find leather ThinkTank Retrospective camera bag. This was one of the only websites that still had this bag in stock. I was skeptical that they had this bag, so i sent and email to customer service and they quickly replied and said yes, we have 3 new ones in stock. I was surprised with that answer. Thinking that was impossible, I took the chance and ordered one. I was expecting something newish, maybe a return from back in the day or a barely used product that looks new. But no, to my absolute surprise, this bag was still sealed in its original box and in its original packaging and all the labels and tags still intact from 2015 when this bag was made. The bag is perfect, the customer service is great, the shipping was quick and the over all experience was the best. I will defiantly keep Acephoto.net in my favorites to search next time I am looking for something camera related. Thank You for the amazing bag and purchase experience.